Terms and Conditions

Welcome to Vibbhinna. The Vibbhinna Website is owned and operated by Vibbhinna (herein for brevity referred to as “Vibbhinna”). By using or registering for Vibbhinna.com, users and the entities or persons they represent (“User” or “Users”) agree to be legally bound and abide by the terms, conditions, and notices set forth or referenced herein and any other condition displayed on any of the pages of the Vibbhinna Website (collectively, the “Terms”). Vibbhinna reserves the right to change, alter, modify, amend these Terms, from time to time, at its sole discretion without serving any notice to you (“Modifications”). The amended terms and conditions shall override the Terms to the extent any such amended term is inconsistent or repugnant to these Terms and all Users shall be bound by such amended Terms. You can review the most current version of the Terms at any time on our website. Your continued use of the Vibbhinna Website following the posting of any Modifications constitutes acceptance of the same. You abide by our terms and conditions once you click on the check box before confirming the payment at the checkout page under Order Review before placing the order. If you do not agree to these Terms, as amended from time to time, please do not access or avail of the Services provided or use the Vibbhinna Website. The use of the term Representatives shall include Vibbhinna’s employees, sponsors, directors, officers, shareholders, representatives, subsidiaries, advertising, promotion and fulfillment agencies, consultants, and advisors.


Permitted Use

You agree that you are only authorized to visit, view, and retain a copy of sections/pages of the Vibbhinna Website for your own personal use, and that you shall not duplicate, download, publish, modify, hack, tamper with, damage the contents in any manner or otherwise distribute the information, data, software, photographs, videos, typefaces, graphics, music, sounds, and other material on the Vibbhinna Website (collectively “Content”) for any purpose other than to review product and promotional information, or to purchase product for your personal use, unless otherwise specifically authorized by Vibbhinna to do so. Except as expressly authorized by the Vibbhinna Website, you agree not to sell, license, rent, modify, distribute, copy, reproduce, transmit, publicly display, publish, adapt, edit, or create derivative works from such Content. Notwithstanding the above, if no specific restrictions are displayed, you may make copies of selected portions of the Content, provided that the copies are made only for your personal, non-commercial use and provided you keep intact all copyright and other proprietary notices relating to the same. You agree that you shall not upload, post, reproduce, or distribute for commercial purposes any materials or design, text or graphics or Content on the Vibbhinna Website and further you agree that you shall not reproduce or transmit the same, in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical or otherwise, including by photocopying, facsimile transmission, recording, re-keying or using any information storage and retrieval system without the express written permission of Vibbhinna. Permission may be granted only at the sole discretion of Vibbhinna.



In consideration of your use of online information resources, products, web directory(ies), index(es), general materials, and data, including, but not limited to, search services, suggestions and other content (including third-party information, products, materials, and content) (collectively, all the services provided to you the User, from time to time whether online or offline referred to as the “Services”), you represent that you are a holder of a credit card/debit card or such facilities provided by banks and undertake and agree to: (i) provide true, accurate, current, and complete information about yourself as prompted by the Vibbhinna Website’s registration form (such information being the “Registration Data”) and (ii) maintain and promptly update the Registration Data to keep it true, accurate, current, and complete. If you provide any information that is untrue, inaccurate, not current, or incomplete, or Vibbhinna.com has reasonable grounds to suspect that such information is untrue, inaccurate, not current, or incomplete, Vibbhinna.com has the right to suspend or terminate your account and refuse any and all current or future use of the Services (or any portion thereof).


Member Account, Password and Security

You will receive a password and account information upon registering with us, and you agree that with respect to your account and password that you are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your password and account and are fully responsible for all activities that occur under your password or account. You will immediately notify the Vibbhinna Website of any unauthorized use of your password or account or any other breach of security; and shall be fully liable for all use of your account, including any unauthorized use of your account by any third party including the content of your transmissions through the Vibbhinna Website. Agree that you are entirely responsible for any and all activities that occur under your account and will ensure that you diligently exit from your account at the end of each session. Vibbhinna will not be liable for any loss or damage arising from any misuse of your password by any person due to any reason whatsoever. Please understand and acknowledge that Vibbhinna cannot and will not be liable for any loss or damage arising from your failure to comply with these requirements.


Access and use of password-protected and/or secure areas of the Vibbhinna Website are restricted to authorized Users only. Unauthorized individuals attempting to access these areas of the Vibbhinna Website shall be liable to criminal action and/or such other action as per applicable laws.


Instructions & Information

Please use the online order form to place your orders. We take the best of our efforts to deliver on the dates mentioned by you. Please use the “Address Details” & “Payment” which appears on the page where you will give all your shipping & payment details.


– Lead time for Delivery is 48 hours, except for special items, unless mentioned separately.

– Execution of online order(s) received are subject to acceptance of the following terms and conditions:

    – Vibbhinna.com reserves the right to accept or reject the order at its’ sole discretion. Once your “order” is accepted, the acceptance will constitute a binding contract between the user and Vibbhinna.com.

    – Orders once placed cannot be canceled. Orders will have to be placed at least 2 days in advance before the expected date of delivery.

    – The charges quoted are inclusive of delivery, packing, and forwarding but not inclusive of taxes and levies thereon, if applicable.

    – Vibbhinna.com reserves the right to increase, decrease, alter, or change the prices of the products/items on online sale.

    – If you choose Credit Card as the mode of payment, your name as a purchaser should be the same as mentioned on your Credit Card being used for making payment for the purchases.

    – The postal address(es) at which delivery/ries of a product(s) is/are expected should be correct, complete, and include landmarks if possible. Address(es) containing only or with PO Box(es) number(s) is not acceptable.

    – Vibbhinna.com neither warranties nor guarantees delivery/ries of the product(s).

    – Vibbhinna.com is not liable for any damages due to wrong deliveries on account of incorrect name(s), address(es).

    – Acknowledgment given through writing name or signature or a stamp or a combination of any of the stated above on the slip provided by the Courier Service towards receipt of a package to the person delivering the package shall remain the conclusive proof of acceptance of the package through courier. Email replies will be sent to the user as proof of delivery.

    – Vibbhinna.com is not liable to pay any damages due to non-delivery on account of non-availability of the receiver.

    – Vibbhinna.com will make all attempts to deliver the ordered item/product on the desired/expected dates. In case of a national holiday or a government holiday, the delivery will be made on the day following the holidays. Any delay in delivery will not entitle the user/receiver to any damages or compensation.

    – Vibbhinna.com is not liable for any damage(s) in case of deterioration in the quality of the perishable items/products due to delays.

    – Vibbhinna.com is not liable for any damages(s) neither to the user nor to the receiver due to wear & tear, breakage, or defacing of the product or package during the transit.

    – Vibbhinna.com reserves the right to alter, append, amend, change, and revise any of the terms & conditions or a part thereof stated herein above at any point in time.

    – The above terms & conditions and disputes arising therefrom shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Republic of India and subject to the jurisdiction of competent courts at Bangalore alone.

    – The user agrees that Vibbhinna.com will not be liable for any default, delay, or lapse occurring due to reasons of force majeure including war, risk, strike, theft, tempest, terrorist strikes, change of law, or any act of God.

    – Though we endeavor to provide you with the best of all our services, if you have any issues with the orders in process or received, you can further connect with us as per the below return and replacement policies as mentioned below https://www.vibbhinna.com/shipping-and-returns-policies